Passion World Tour 2008 Kuala Lumpur

So, this one’s a follow up to the post entitled PASSION. I’m just gonna tell you guys what it’s all about and how we’re going to be involved with it along with a whole lot of other Christians from colleges and universities in the Klang Valley.

Well, basically, there’s this guy with a heart for God and university students all around, his name’s Louie Giglio. In 1995, he found God’s calling to start what is called the Passion Movement.

Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio

The one objective there is to really see a spiritual awakening of colleges and universities all over. The hearbeat of Passion is really to see a young generation of people, specifically us in the colleges and universities to unite together to stand up and be counted for God. God’s blessed Louie with the ability to communicate God’s word and his values well with young people. This year, Passion has embarked on a world tour, including places such as the UK, Phillipines, Uganda and it’s great that it’s coming to Malaysia as well.

The focus of Passion Malaysia is really to encourage ALL of us, university and college goers around Klang Valley and the nation to the bigness of our God, prayer, worship and action. This will be the main thing of this event and it would be great if we can be a part of it.

The very simple heartbeat of Passion Kuala Lumpur is to really encourage unity among our Christian brothers and sisters, inspire vision for God’s direction in our own university and for each of us to embrace our part in God’s global plan and just to move according to God’s spirit.

Hope Ipoh will be involved in this as well and we’re encouraging you guys to go for Passion. For those who have not signed up and are interested to join, do contact me (I’m Christon by the way, haha!). The details as is are below:

Entrance fee/passes: RM 20

Venue: Sunway Convention Centre (in Sunway Pyramid top floor)

Date and Time: 3rd August 2008, 6 p.m to about 10p.m (doors open at 5 p.m)

Now, there is an age limit for this conference. They’re VERY strict about it, it’s only for those aged 17-25! So you know, you guys are in a very privileged position to be eligible on that part.

It’s going to be an awesome time, just catching God’s heartbeat for the nations and even specifically how our generation of people need to stand together and move according to God’s big great plan. Do sign up, contact me if you’re interested.

Please let me know ASAP, must be by 25th July (next Friday) so that we can arrange accommodation and transport on either Saturday or Sunday to go. Since the event is at night, we will have to leave back to UTP on Monday, not Sunday, so do give it some thought. However, do let me or Vern know as soon as possible so I can get the passes for you guys and make all the logistical arrangements ok?

Oh, one last thing. Do invite your non-Christian friends as well. Chris Tomlin and Charlie Hall are coming down as well. It would be great if some of them would love to come down for a concert as well and experience God there. After all as Christians, we have to be outward focused as well yeah. I’ll have promotion materials (rave cards) to hand out to you guys when I get back on the 19th. Will see you all very soon. =)

11 thoughts on “Passion World Tour 2008 Kuala Lumpur

  1. Hi greetings fro Hope Serdang. Terence here and glad that you guys will be coming down… some of us might be attending the conference as well… so, see you there… 🙂


  2. I also received publicity information from HUSC PJ send by Yi Yann. I believed there are people from Hope PJ will be going there too. Too bad… i am not young enough to qualify to join….So, P&W CG enjoy ur time, fun & learning there. Bring along some juniors ??


  3. We, attendees of Passion Manila (Philippines), prayed and is continually praying for Passion KL.
    Please update us about the event.

    God bless you, fellow-fruitcake!


  4. Thanks so much Jez!

    It really was an awesome time, simply meeting God there. I think there was such an reinforcement of our faith during Passion KL. If you do visit back within the week, you’ll see a very nice long update about how each of us as individuals were impacted by Passion.

    Once again, thanks a lot for your prayers, things were smooth flowing and plenty of people were impacted, thank you for moving for God along with us, we’re very blessed to have the Philippines move along with us. =)


  5. knowing u guys & gals were back to UTP early this morning…amazed me seeing u Christ here on the blog… I guess the fire & excitement wou b something like or hotter than the Planet Shakers in Ipoh 2 years back? So, u guys got inspired to impact UTP campus through ur P&W ministry…


  6. Maggie, this concert blew us away. Waaaaaaaay bigger than the Planet Shakers concert in fact. The atmosphere was amazing and when we got home around 3am we still couldn’t stop talking about the event! We really wished you all were there with us that time – maybe at the next Passion tour.

    “Greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in the cityyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!”


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